TODAY.AZ / World news

Ankara follows situation around so-called "Armenian genocide" law of France

25 September 2012 [17:37] - TODAY.AZ
Turkey is following the situation around possible reconsideration of the adoption of the law on the so-called "Armenian genocide" in France, which envisages criminal punishment for denying the so-called "Armenian genocide," Anadolu agency quotes Turkish Minister for EU Affairs Egemen Bagis as saying on Tuesday.

He said the Turkish Embassy in Paris is closely following the developments around the possible inclusion of the law on "Armenian genocide" in the agenda. To date Turkey has not received information on the reconsideration of the issue.

Armenia and the Armenian lobby claim that the predecessor of the Turkey - the Ottoman Empire had committed the 1915 genocide against the Armenians living in Anatolia and achieved recognition of the "Armenian Genocide" by the parliaments of several countries.


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