Corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the president of the Azerbaijan National Creative Academy (AN?A) Nizami Suleymanov, as a result of his long-term researches has revealed that any numbers, letters and the drawings placed in a biophysical field, created by the nanoparticles of a vegetative and organic origin which possessing a certain structure and positive energy, created on the basis of nanotechnologies, irrespective of distance can transfer in a moment the biopower (biophysical) field to similar numbers, letters and drawings in an every spot on the globe. Novelty of this effect is that transfer occurs not by the use of electromagnetic, radio or any other waves created by any equipment, but by the use of natural biopower waves.
The carried-out researches proved that natural biophysical power waves, transferred to the cars working at hydrocarbon fuel (gasoline, diesel fuel, gas, etc.) by means of the state registration plate, essentially influence to operation of engines of these cars - fuel in the chamber of combustion is split on smaller dust-like drops during injection and for this reason quality of combustion much more raises. As a result more accurate operation of the engine is observed, acceleration increases, force of draft raises, sharply decreases or completely disappears the amount of harmful gases and a smoke, the economy of fuel reaches 5-30 percent.
The new discovery allows to sharply reducing amount of exhaust gases of cars polluting environment in all corners of the globe - in the cities, villages and other settlements, which is extremely unhealthy for the persons,. Considering also a factor of economical use of fuel, it is clearly visible, how important is the application of this innovation from the ecological and economic point of view.