TODAY.AZ / Voice of Diaspora

Germany hosts Azerbaijan culture evening

20 July 2011 [17:18] - TODAY.AZ
An Azerbaijani culture evening was held in Magdeburg, Germany on Tuesday.  The event was initiated by the Central Council of Azerbaijani Diaspora in Germany.  Opening the ceremony, president of the council Tengiz Sade baron zu Romkerhall said that relationships between Azerbaijan and Germany have an ancient history. He stressed German companies have been interested in Azerbaijan`s oil industry in late 19th century- early 20 century.

“Nowadays the cooperation in different fields is expanding. Meetings of Presidents of Azerbaijan and Germany are of special importance for development of relations between the two countries,” Romkerhall said.  Romkerhall touched upon the solution of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.  “Azerbaijan opposes resumption of war. We want peaceful solution to the conflict. We want more than a million refugees and IDPs to return to their homes and Azerbaijan to restore its territorial integrity,“ Romkerhall said.  The event featured Azerbaijani music. Participants were presented book “Azerbaijan-real fairy land” in German language.


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