There are hundreds of website hosting companies advertising their services on the web; there are even more individuals that are also in the business. With so many options available on the web it can be hard to determine which web host will be reliable and fit your project needs. This article will take you through some of the factors to consider when you’re in the market for a reliable web hosting solution.
Determine your Website NeedsFind out what exactly you need from a web host before you make the purchase. List everything you need in your website and how you expect it to grow in time. The list you create can be presented to web hosting companies, using email or a phone call, so they can answer all of your questions and list off if their service handles what you’re looking for.
Look toward how large your website may grow so you can choose the proper web hosting solution that will allow for your website to expand without the growing pains. Align the software technologies your website will need such as the PHP or MySQL required to install backend software such as shopping cart solutions or blogging platforms. Knowing what you need will guide you toward a reliable web host that can grow with your website instead of restricting it.
Factor in a Flexible BudgetKeep a budget in mind when shopping for web hosting solutions. A small budget isn’t necessarily the best mode of thought because you must remember that your website will be completely reliant on a web host. Spending too little (or trying to find free options) could lead to buyer’s remorse because your web host does not fit your website needs.
Work with a budget that’s reasonable but don’t immediately dismiss hosting packages that are a little higher than what you’re willing to spend. Expensive web hosting packages come with many additional benefits that are extremely helpful in the event you need such as rapid customer service, regular backups and server expansions. It’s better to have a web host that’s more than enough to run your website than one too little that will ruin your success.
Listen to Existing CustomersThere’s no better way to find a reliable web host than to listen to what existing customers have to say. For the most part, people will be honest to you in their review of a web host. There are people that have set up fake review websites so it’s important to go straight to the source by contacting website owners and asking for their recommendations.
Another alternative to finding existing customers is to search for tutorials around web hosting. The website or blog owner creating content will most likely recommend the web hosting they have their own sites on which can be great for finding something reliable; although take their review with a grain of salt in the event they are biased with the mentions. Collect all of the reviews and comments you’ve received about web hosting companies and make a logical decision based on the feedback.
Examine the Online ReviewsDo an online search for websites, magazines and organizations which provide reviews for website hosting. Don’t believe everything you read; be wary of a review that is glowing because it’s rare to find a web host that is going to satisfy every need in a customer. Instead, read reviews from trusted sources such as PC magazines, tech review companies, major forums and people that have websites online.
The best way to use online reviews is to create a spreadsheet of what people have to say. Combine all of your results and cross check them for inconsistencies. Use your list of needs in a web host compared to the overall reviews; this will be a great way to find a host that is not only reliable but guarantees to fit your personal needs.
Be Real with your Personal Tech KnowledgeIt’s important to understand your personal knowledge of technology, especially with web hosting. There’s no sense to choose a web host that will require you to manage heavy amounts of technical scripts and backend if you are a beginner at web technologies. Likewise, don’t limit yourself to choosing a web host that doesn’t give you the amount of control you’re seeking if you’re extremely knowledgeable in technology. Find the right web hosting based on your personal tech level.
Look for web hosting that you feel comfortable working with behind-the-scenes with tools and services like scripts, nameservers, plugins, data charts and more. Don’t purchase a web host that’s beyond your technical knowledge else you could be facing many headaches in the future.
ConclusionWeb hosting is an integral element of building a website and setting up an online presence. The choice in website hosting will be at your discretion but it’s important to remember the tips included in this article to ensure you choose a host that is reliable and satisfies your needs.
/Steve Watson Online/