The Georgian Agriculture Ministry’s Service Center received ten combines of the U.S production. The presentation of contemporary technology was held in Orkhevi today. The event was attended by Agriculture Minister Bakur Kvezereli and U.S. Ambassador to Georgia John Bass.
Kvezereli said the modern technology will be distributed among Georgia’s different regions and people will be able to use it in fall. He said these versatile combines with a capacity of 300 horsepower can harvest with minimal losses. These combines are present of U.S. government, which has spent $ 2.5 million on their purchase and delivery.
"We intend to continue cooperation with the U.S. in this field in the future and equip our farmers with modern technology. It is very important for the development of our farm," he added.
Bass named the project the fruitful result of cooperation between the Georgian and American people.
"Georgia’s success depends on its economic success, to which the agriculture contributes. We will surely continue to work in different areas and willing to stand close to Georgia," he said.