Activities in Bushehr nuclear power plant are advancing well, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said, ISNA reported.
"Measures in Bushehr nuclear facility are advancing well and there is no problem in this regard. The power plant has been run in terms of specialized definition and it will join the national grid soon," he told reporters Tuesday night upon arrival in Moscow Airport.
He stressed Iran and Russia are moving toward mutual understanding as calling for employment of entire potentials of the two countries.
Salehi reiterated that Iran's nuclear issue, nuclear disarmament and Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) are some topics to be discussed during his talks with Russian officials.
He then referred to his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov's "step-by-step approach" and said, "the offer shows Russian intention to step up settlement of Iranian nuclear issue and create a rift in a deadlock shaped by the West. Off course we continue our nuclear activities."
"We have welcomed the plan, but we are not informed of its details yet and we will discuss it in our talks," he added.
In July, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called for "phased" approach to resolve Iran's nuclear issue whereby Iran would address questions raised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) about its nuclear activities in a staged schedule and in return economic sanctions imposed on Iran would be removed in a staged manner over time.