An official representing a leading Arab tourism association said on Tuesday that the number of Arab tourists visiting Turkey had increased by 75 percent in 2011.
Arab Tourism Organization's head Bander bin Fahd Al-Fehaid, who is currently in northwestern Bursa province to hold a series of talks, told AA that nearly 2 million Arab tourists visited Turkey every year and Arab people showed greater interest in Turkey with each passing day.
Al-Fehaid said the importance Turkey attached to its relations with Arab countries and the intense efforts of the Turkish government to improve cooperation with the Arab world were the main factors triggering the increase in the number of Arab visitors.
Pointing to the 75 percent increase in number of Arab tourists this year, the official said he expected more number of visitors to arrive in Turkey in the upcoming years.
Al-Fehaid said Arab tourists preferred Turkey as a holiday destination mainly because of its safe atmosphere, natural beauties and common ties of religion and history.
/World Bulletin/