A group of Turkish officials from Energy Ministry are currently in Moscow for talks with Russian officials.

Turkey will sign an energy cooperation agreement with South Korea on Wednesday to launch talks on a nuclear power plant planned on the northern coast of the country.
The agreement will be penned between Turkey's state power company EUAS and Korea Electric Power Corp (KEPCO), a state-controlled utility, following the Turkey-South Korea Business Forum in Istanbul, a Turkish official said.
Turkey plans to build two nuclear power plants, one in Sinop on the northern coast of Black Sea and the other in Mersin on the southern coast.
Turkey has long been eager to build nuclear power plants. A Turkish-Russian consortium led by Russia's Atomstroyexport had been the only bidder in a 2008 tender to build Turkey's first nuclear power plant in Mersin. However, Turkey's state-run electricity wholesaler TETAS canceled the tender following a court decision in November 2009.
Following the agreement between EUAS and KEPCO, Turkish and Korean experts will start technical studies. An intergovernmental agreement, like an earlier one signed between Turkey and Russia, is expected if studies result in success, officials said.
KEPCO had earlier said it was in talks with Turkey to sell APR1400 (Advanced Power Reactor 1400), pressurized water reactor with a thermal output of 4000 megawatts.
Korean company wants to exports its nuclear technology to Turkey after it won a 20-billion deal in December 2009 to build four nuclear power plants in the United Arab Emirates by 2020, which made it the sixth largest nuclear technology exporter in the world following United States, France, Russia, Canada and Japan.
Meanwhile, a group of Turkish officials from Energy Ministry are currently in Moscow for talks with Russian officials.
/World Bulletin/