President Abdullah Gul said Turkey's National Security concept paper could be modified in the light of current conditions.
In a joint press conference with Kosovar President Fatmir Sejdiu at the Cankaya palace in Ankara Wednesday, Gul said national security concept papers shaped according to the circumstances of the time.
"These (papers) are not articles of the constitution or the law. It is natural for Turkey to have a strategic security concept document and this may be modified in the light of the current circumstances, and that's perfectly natural," said Gul. He said the government could write a new concept document, noting that it was the government, who was answerable to the Parliament after all.
Commenting on Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan's intention to abolish the Security and Public Order protocol (EMASYA), Gul said considering Turkey's current legal standards and understanding of justice EMASYA was not a necessity.
He said, the signatories, Ministry of the Interior and Turkish Armed Forces could jointly abolish the protocol.
Turkish Daily Taraf recently published a coup plot allegedly drafted by the 1st Army, aiming to drive the country into chaos with false flag operations.
The General Staff announced that the said plot was the forged and altered version of a routine emergency scenario.
The issue created wide controversy in the media, causing the EMASYA protocol to be questioned publicly, which is considered by some, as the basis of such scenarios.
/World Bulletin/