Tbilisi Court of Appeal has not granted the claim of the residents of Sagaredj region's Ninotsminda village. About 4,000 claimants demanded compensation from the Canargo Georgia Company.
The residents of Ninotsminda threaten to block the company's operations.
The claimants said they addressed the court in 2005.
"Tbilisi City Court satisfied the motion of our lawyer and assigned an ecological examination on Jan.30, 2007. But later the decision disappeared from the case. Finally, the court refused to satisfy the claim that was appealed in Tbilisi Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal appointed the same judge who did not satisfy our claim. We still continue to struggle, but also plan to paralyze the work of the company," Ninotsminda's residents said.
Oil and gas blew out of well No. 10, located near Ninotsminda on Sep.10, 2004.
Experts managed to close the gushing chemicals only three days later. According to the claimants, after this incident a number of chest, throat and skin tumor cases, as well as cardiovascular diseases have occurred in the nearby villages.
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