TODAY.AZ / World news

Corrupt Zatulin pops out of dustbin of history

31 May 2024 [14:40] - TODAY.AZ
By Elshad Bayramov,

The rogue Konstantin Zatulin will not calm down and continues to repeat the old narratives of the past. After a short break, the pro-Armenian propagandist reappeared in the Armenian information space and said nonsense in his desperate attempt to restore relevance to his person.

This time he latched on to the favorite topic of the Armenians - the “historical heritage of the Armenians” in Karabakh. Zatulin accused Azerbaijan of “appropriating the past,” as well as other cultural crimes. It is not clear what he hopes for, because only the Armenians, the politicians and propagandists they paid for, blame Azerbaijan for this. The rest of the world knows perfectly well who owns what and accepts the existing reality.

Numerous trips by diplomats, representatives of business organizations, foreign travelers and tourists are an indicator that the world does not take into account the lies of Armenians and the politicians they bought.

Zatulin just can’t accept that Karabakh is Azerbaijan, and his feeder from where he has been feeding for the last 10 years at the expense of the Armenian Diaspora has ended. That's why he sheds crocodile tears over the past days and dreams of them returning again. But alas, time cannot be turned back for him.

And he will have to dream endlessly. After all, nothing will change. The rules have changed, and now the future of the region and relations in the South Caucasus is determined based on the position of Baku. But Zatulin and businessmen like him remain out of work and in the dustbin of history due to their unsuitability and erroneous position and corruption.

These propagandists will only have to give interviews to second-rate publications, unsubscribe from their social networks and continue to touch on topics that everyone has already forgotten about.

And who cares about the opinions of people who are known only for their scandalousness and corruption? Everyone understands perfectly well that every word of Zatulin and others like him must be treated with a very large degree of skepticism.

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