TODAY.AZ / World news

Egyptian official denies reports of a major discovery around the Khufu Pyramid

15 May 2024 [20:43] - TODAY.AZ

By Alimat Aliyeva

Ashraf Mohi El-Din, director general of the administration of the Giza plateau, where the ancient Egyptian pyramids are located, told reporters that claims that great discoveries were made in the area adjacent to the Great Pyramid of Khufu are not true, Azernews reports.

Mohi El-Din noted that during the radar survey conducted in April 2023, an underground cavity of unknown nature and content, as well as artifacts, was discovered.

Thus, a joint Egyptian-Japanese archaeological mission was launched to excavate the site of this sinkhole.

An Egyptian official said that the mission is actively engaged in excavations these days, but there have been no new archaeological discoveries in the area. He noted that after the completion of the mission, regardless of the results of the excavations, a detailed report will be submitted to the government.


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