TODAY.AZ / World news

Czech Republic mulls transition to Euro

01 May 2024 [21:17] - TODAY.AZ

By Alimat Aliyeva

Czech President Petr Pavel called for the adoption of a single European currency by the republic, Azernews reports.

He made the corresponding statement at the international conference, "20 years of Czech membership in the EU: a vision of an expanded Europe,

"If we want to play in the top league, then it is logical [the question arises], for example, about accepting the euro. The experience of countries that have already switched to settlements in euros confirms that only those who do not use it are dissatisfied.

Pavel first stated the need to start taking concrete steps towards converting the Czech Republic to euro settlements in a New Year's address to his fellow citizens. Four of the five parties of the current government coalition of the republic support this initiative. Meanwhile, according to Czech media, the largest force in the coalition, the Civic Democratic Party, treats it with restraint, pointing out the need to preserve the Czech crown.


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