WikiLeaks begins releasing cache of 5 million emails from US intel firm, according to some of which, Israel has already destroyed Iran's nuclear infrastructure, JPost reported referring to Wikileaks.
Israel has destroyed all Iranian nuclear infrastructure on the ground, a November email from the US intelligence firm Stratfor released by Wikileaks on Monday claims, citing a "confirmed Israeli intelligence agent."
The email is one of five million the whistleblowing website plans to publish from the US-based global security analysis company that has been likened to a shadow CIA. The emails appear to contain a large amount of speculation and hearsay.
The private intelligence firm Stratfor called the release of 5 million of its e-mails by WikiLeaks a "deplorable, unfortunate and illegal breach of privacy."
"Some of the e-mails may be forged or altered to include inaccuracies; some may be authentic," the Texas-based firm said. "We will not validate either. Nor will we explain the thinking that went into them."
According to CNN, in a statement released early Monday in Europe, WikiLeaks promised a raft of juicy disclosures about Stratfor, which promotes itself to corporate and government clients as a source of intelligence on international affairs.
WikiLeaks, a website that facilitates the leaking of confidential information, says the documents will be released through a network of more than 25 news outlets and activist groups in the coming weeks.
The first document out was titled "The Stratfor Glossary of Useful, Baffling and Strange Intelligence Terms," featuring brief and sometimes humorous definitions and blunt assessments of U.S. intelligence and law enforcement.
Others focused on speculation about the health of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and who was behind a suspected campaign of sabotage against Iran's nuclear program.