TODAY.AZ / Politics

Rashad Rzakuliyev: "Armenia again tries to involve the poppet military regime of the so-called "Nagorno Karabakh Republic" into the negotiation process"

22 September 2008 [15:01] - TODAY.AZ
The euphoric and naive perception of the recent announcements, voiced by Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, by some representatives of Azerbaijani public, is extremely surprising, said president of the Fund of Social Inventions Rashad Rzakuliyev.

"His proposal to invest into the economy of the Armenian occupied expedition corpse of the Azerbaijani lands - the upper part of Karabakh - with an illusory perspective that "perhaps, after it Armenians in Karabakh would speak for living within Azerbaijan", is an openly two-faced and sardonic diplomatic maneuver.

The goals are obvious:

1. Armenia again tries to distance itself from the fact of occupation of the lands of neighbor Azerbaijan by its own armed forces.

2. Armenia again tries to involve the poppet military regime of the so-called "Nagorno Karabakh Republic" into the negotiation process.

3. Armenia again tries to persuade Azerbaijan about the irreversibility of the idea of holding a referendum on the future of Karabakh.

4. Armenia tries to impose the financing of the occupied lands of our country and occupational forces on us for the first time and by in the most caddish way.

The thoughts of Mr.Sargsyan that the way to the heart and mind of rebellious Karabakh Armenians lies through the stomach, undoubtedly, deserve attention. And in this context there is a complete confidence that Armenian population of Nagorno Karabakh knows which of the sides have more opportunities to ensure worthy and good living conditions for the citizens of the region without any referendum", concluded Rzakuliyev.


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