"The results of talks between separate parties of Azerbaijan regarding creation of a single coalition can be made public only next week", said chairman of the Classical Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan Mirmahmood Miralioghlu.
He noted that no definite results were attained during the talks.
"The parties are currently discussing the principles of cooperation between the political structures", said Miralioghlu.
As regards the party's intention to leave the Center of Democratic Elections and Union for Democracy in case a new coalition is created, Miralioghlu said:
"It is too early to speak of it primordially, as it can not become a reason for our leaving the center of democratic elections. The parties can be allies in the resolution of any problems.
Moreover, the talks of creating a coalition of Azerbaijani opposition have lasted only for a few days, while our party is represented in the Union for Democracy, functioning for two years. Time will show which of the coalitions is more suitable for cooperation", concluded Miralioghlu.