"Qulamhuseyn Alibeyli is an independent person and he has a right to take any decisions, including about participation in the presidential elections in Azerbaijan", said Hasan Kerimov, deputy chairman of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan, commenting on the fact that former chairman of the Supreme Medjlis of the party Qulamhuseyn Alibeyli appealed to the Central Election Commission for signature lists.
He said the party has no right to interfere with the political activity of Alibeyli.
"Any person is free to join and leave the party. Alibeyli left the party in line with the charter and there should not be any questions in this issue.
He has a right to create a political organization and this is his personal business.
Naturally, we regret about his leaving the party, as he was one of the founders of the party and took part in the formation of separate departments of the structure, but now we can not say anything to him", said Kerimov.
He also announced that talks on creation of a coalition of Azerbaijani opposition are going on.