Novosti-Azerbaijan interview with famous political scientist Rasim Musabeyov.
- The current election situation differs from the same situation of five years ago. What is it connected with? Is the opposition weak and aware of the lack of prospects of combat with the consolidated powers?- The situation is different. In 2003 after 10 years of Heydar Aliyev's presidency, a new president was to be elected and Ilham Aliyev's positions were very strong though not doubtless. Opposition, in the face of Isa Qambar, was able to mobilize the protest electorate and give a fight.
Now President Ilham Aliyev is balloting for the second term and the ruling elite has colossal financial means, complete monopoly on electronic mass media and administrative resources.
The opposition field has been trampled down. Most former influential political parties, such as the Popular Front Party, National Independent Party and Liberal Party do not even have an office. It seems that opposition would be able to rival the working president at the elections only by uniting their forces and nominating a single candidate. But our opposition is pathologically unable to consolidate and we are witnessing it now. Therefore, there will no rivalry at the upcoming presidential elections.
- Which changes in the structure of political powers in the country are expected after the elections? Will new political area be formed?- The structure of political powers will not change and I do not see the formation of any new political area in the near future.
- Is formation of a new opposition within governmental structures possible? Are there potentially new powers within the government? How do regional clan moments influence the formation of political powers and groupings?- The interests of the groups and regional-family clans inside the powers, undoubtedly, exist. But I do not think that competition between them will grow into an opposition movement, like the one, we observed in Ukraine and Georgia, at least, now.
- Do you see any personalities with features of political leaders for the future on the current political arena of Azerbaijan?- Unfortunately, no, and it is frustrating, as leaders are political piece-goods and their growing, selection and fixation takes much time and efforts. If today we do not see people at least with the potential of modern leadership, when will these people grow up and gain experience to claim for ruling over Azerbaijan?
- Which steps are expected from Ilham Aliyev on the second stage of his presidency? How will the external and internal policy of the state be built? Has the President managed to lay its basic moments through the past five years?- The external policy, preserving succession, has become more decisive, considering growing potential and consolidating international positions of Azerbaijan. I do not expect any great changes in this sphere. As for the internal policy, unfortunately, the changes were minimal, both in the upgrading of the government team and in improvement of state and public institutions. A number of problems has been accumulated there, which demands urgent actions. This is primarily the task of suppressing corruption, hitting the population. It is important to ensure real independent of courts, without which the private property and public stability is impossible to ensure for a long term period. Gradually, to start reforms of the administrative and territorial integrity of the country, which has remained changeless since the Soviet times and formation of local self-government.
- In line with WB forecasts, Azerbaijan will sustain crisis due to the inflow to large energy sources revenues. Will the authorities be able to create effective transparent mechanisms of using these funds?- It is really necessary to do. At the same time, the society should not stay aside from this task. But I am not sure that the task of reasonable and transparent use of oil expenses will be fulfilled.