"We should stop being surprised that Iran, which officially recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, considers it normal not only to develop comprehensive relations with Armenia, which occupied 20% of Azerbaijani lands, but also to have direct contacts with Karabakh separatists".
The due announcement was made by Milli Medjlis deputy from Musavat party, former ambassador of Azerbaijan to Iran Nasib Nasibli, commenting on the information that the Telecommunication Kish Company, one of the mobile operators of Iran, concluded a roaming agreement with the Karabakh Telecom company, operating in the occupied land of Azerbaijan-Karabakh, thus violating international norms.
"Such close cooperation of Iran with Armenians does not comply with the officially declared position of official Tehran, which states that it takes care of the interests of Muslims in the whole world. But Iran is used to conducting of such a policy, while Azerbaijan should be aware of it and react in the duly manner", said Nasibli.
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