Armenian armed forces demonstrated their battle worthiness in the wartime and after it and was successful in the fulfillment of all tasks set before it.

According to the Armenian Minister of Defense, the Armenian army is effective, strong and battle-worthy.
"The battle-worthiness of our army is proven by the fact that despite the militaristic statements of neighbor countries, they can not manage without statements, as they are not able to undertake definite steps", Mikael Arutyunyan said. At the same time, he noted that "Armenian armed forces are battle worthy and ready to ensure the security of the Armenian people".
The Defense Minister also does not agree with the statements that in the near future the Armenian army may be composed of only hired servicemen.
"In order to pass to this stage, it is necessary to form a strong economy, the state which would be able to keep the army", the Defense Minister announced and added that the transfer of the army to the contract basis, depends also on the regional factors, along with financial ones.
Touching upon the announcements of the first President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan about the reduction of the army, the Minister of Defense announced that it is impossible in Armenia to reduce the number of soldiers down to 10,000. "The government can not undertake this step, as it is an issue of security of the population", Mikael Arutyunyan said.