The shutdown of Russian-language newspapers and websites must be considered from the point of view of importance of this step for the activity of definite state structures.

The due statement was made by spokesman for Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Khazar Ibragim, commenting on the disseminated idea of the necessity to shutdown Russian-language newspapers and websites.
"If we consider it from the point of view of political and informational effectiveness, naturally, there is a need for Russian-language newspapers and websites. I would like to stress the importance of Russian-language websites. There are many readers of information agencies as well as newspapers, which have their own websites, in the world. And, naturally, the introduction of complete and truthful information about Azerbaijan and regional events is an important matter", he said.
He noted that there is also a great need to develop websites and newspapers in Azerbaijani and raise the professional skills of the existent ones.
He considers that the development of Azerbaijani-language sources must not exclude existence of the Russian-language press as it is not correct both from the political and informational point of views.
The spokesman considers it necessary to develop English-languages sources in Azerbaijan, as well.
"President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev says that "the introduction of the full information about Azerbaijan is a main priority of the external policy of Azerbaijan" and we fulfill his instructions. If Russian-languages sources are shutdown, it will be difficult to do it", Kh.Ibragim said.