TODAY.AZ / Politics

Armenian provocation prevented at International Film Festival in Morocco

14 September 2024 [16:35] - TODAY.AZ

An Armenian provocation was thwarted at the Issni Nurgh International Amazigh Film Festival, held in Agadir, Morocco from September 11-15, 2024, Azernews reports via the information provided by Azerbaijan’s Embassy in Morocco to Trend.

According to embassy, the 11-minute film "All I Need" by Katia Spivakova Saakiants, scheduled to be screened on September 13, was canceled. The film's subject matter was related to events in Azerbaijan’s formerly occupied territories, portraying Garabakh as "Artsakh," a part of Armenia, and referencing the so-called "Armenian genocide."

Azerbaijan's embassy coordinated with Moroccan authorities and festival organizers to cancel the screening, successfully preventing the spread of Armenian propaganda aimed at misleading the Moroccan audience.Slider Image 1


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