TODAY.AZ / Politics

Baku denies Lachin road blocked, voices readiness to meet humanitarian needs of ethnic Armenians

15 December 2022 [09:59] - TODAY.AZ

Baku has officially denied claims about blocking the road connecting ethnic Armenians in Azerbaijan's Karabakh with Armenia, Azernews reports.

Allegations that the Shusha-Lachin road is allegedly blocked by Azerbaijan, and in connection with this, a humanitarian crisis may arise, are wide off the mark, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“As the Foreign Ministry noted in the December 13 statement, the claims that the Shusha-Lachin Road was closed by Azerbaijan, and there is a possibility of the emergence of a humanitarian crisis, are groundless,” Spokesperson of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Ayxan Hajizada said.

Responding to the spokespersons of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the US Department of State, and the EU, Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who made statements calling on the Azerbaijani side to open Lachin road, noting that the blocking of the road could lead to humanitarian consequences for the Armenian population, Hajizada said that unlike Armenia, which constantly hinders the opening of all transport and communication routes in the region, Azerbaijan, in accordance with its obligations, has reconstructed the Lachin road over the past two years and created ample conditions for the use of the road for humanitarian purposes.

“All in all, ignorance of the illegal economic activity, looting of natural resources, and environmental damage that has been perpetrated in the mentioned territories for the past 30 years, as well as the use of Lachin road for both military provocations and illegal economic activity contrary to paragraph 6 of the Trilateral Statement, is an indication of a biased approach by these countries. Also, disregard for the mine terror committed against the civilian population in the territories of Azerbaijan by using the Lachin road is a source of serious concern.

“The protests by Azerbaijani civil society and environmental activists on the Shusha-Lachin road over the last few days is the result of the legitimate dissatisfaction of the Azerbaijani society against the mentioned illegal activities, and this position should be respected. The purpose is not to block any road, and civilian vehicles can move freely in both directions.

“Regarding the humanitarian situation in the region, we once again declare that Azerbaijan is ready to meet the humanitarian needs of the Armenian residents living in our territories,” the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said.


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