From Azerbaijan to Japan, Italy to Siberia and Cyprus to China, here are 24 haunting real-life ghost villages, towns and cities from around the world.

As you all know, there are lots of real-life ghost towns around the world. Well, we have stumpled upon a very interesting website, "WebUrbanist", which had an article on the 24 ghost towns of the world. And, Azerbaijan is represented as well by two ghost towns, according to the article. One is a war-torn city of Agdam, occupied by the Armenian armed forces, and the other one is Oily Rocks - one of the strangest organically-evolved cities in the world.
Here's what Web Urbanist says about Agdam: Once the proud 150,000+ capital city of Azerbaijan this dense and
thriving city was taken by the Armenians and utterly trashed,
vandalized and then abandoned. Some explorers still make
their way to photograph what is left of this city whose residents may
never see it again.
This is what Web Urbanist has on Oily Rocks: Off the coast of Azerbaijan sits what remains of one of the strangest
organically-evolved cities in the world. Oily Rocks started with a
single path out over the water, built on the backs of ships sunken to
serve as foundations. This system of paths grew and evolve to serve the
oil-drilling industry and eventually were widened to create space for
houses, schools, libraries and shops for the workers and their
families. Today, most of it sits abandoned and some paths and buildings
have sunk back under the surf never to be seen again.
NOTE: This is no fresh news, as it was published long time ago, yet we decided to show it to you, as to us it is quite interesting./ photos to enlarge:
Abandoned Medieval Town Oradour
Abandoned Disaster City Beichuan
Abandoned Ghost Town Cairo
Deserted Floating City of Oily Rocks, Azerbaijan
Deserted Village of Villa Lago Epecun, Argentina
Deserted Village in Italy
Deserted Walled Town Craco
Abandoned War Torn City Agdam (Azerbaijan)
Wild West Ghost Town Bodie
Deserted Ghost City Humberstone
Deserted Mining Town Pyramiden
Abandoned City Commune France
Deserted Mining Town Sewell
Abandoned Mountain Town Sardinia
Deserted Resort Village
Deserted Kowloon Walled City
Ancient Underwater City Alexandria
Abandoned Island City Hashima
Abandoned Desert Ghost Town
Abandoned Area Varosha
Abandoned Gulag Concentration Camp
Abandoned Town Centralia
Abandoned Flooded City Quabbin
Abandoned Resort Town Yashima