India can be a very scary place, especially if you’re a woman. Scratch that. Especially if you’re a man who tries to rape one particular woman.
A 35-year old woman decided to take the law into her own hands when a man came up to her while she was gathering grass for her cattle and tried to sexually assault her. In the end, the man learned the hard way that you never, ever attack a woman using a large blade in an isolated field.
The scene from a horror movie took lace in the village of Makkapurva, which is about 170 miles south east of the city of Lucknow. When the man attacked her, she turned on him and eventually, well, cut his head off with a sickle. Not one to just let it alone, she held the trophy up high, parading it around the local market as people fled in horror.
Police office Ram Bharose stated that although the woman acted in self defense, she will most likely be charged with culpable homicide. Her story of self defense was corroborated by the bite marks on her neck and cheek. The attacker allegedly stalked the woman for three months, and she simply had enough. The police officer stated it was done in “a bid to save her dignity.”
/Weird Asia News/