A chef made a cracking discovery when he saved a perfectly round egg from the frying pan. Shell-shocked James Church, 27, was cooking the usual morning fry-up when he found the unique ball-shaped egg.
James, who works at Hotel Bristol in Newquay, Cornwall, said: 'I was at work one morning busy cracking eggs and making breakfast as usual.
'Then I pulled out a tray and noticed this spherical egg.
'I stood for a few moments in awe because I had never seen anything like it.
'I called everyone in the kitchen over and they stood around it too. They had never seen anything like it either.'
Having worked in a kitchen for eight years, James reckons he has cracked more than 100,000 eggs, but has never seen anything like this. He has kept the unusual egg since making the discovery and said: 'I'm definitely never getting rid of it.'
Misshapen eggs are most often produced by pullets coming into lay, or hens late in lay, often as a result of double ovulation. The varying shapes differ with each strain of bird.