Here’s another proof of the armless people could do a great arts. Gao Baoying is an armless woman who will go to shanghai expo due to her embroider art. Looking at her embroidered art, you’d probably think this woman has golden hands, when in fact, she has no hands at all. if you see Gao Baoying i’m sure that you will remember about Liu Jianming who can sew hit her feet. That’s another proof that even armless people can do miracles.
Gao Baoying has learned to use her feet to do everything we usually do with our hands. No information whether she was born without hands, or if she lost them in some freak accident, but one thing is for sure, this woman is a true artist.
Gao, who lives in China’s Tianjin municipality, began practicing embroidery with her feet, when she was just a teenager. As time passed, her skills improved, and now she creates the most beautiful embroidery. As recognition of her skills, Gao Baoying was invited to showcase her work, at the Shanghai Expo.
/World Must be Crazy/
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