Tired of finding phlegm messes in public spots, Chinese authorities in a low-income housing complex has proposed a unique penalty system to combat spitting. According to the new regulations proposed by the Guangzhou-based complex, seven spitting incidents could easily result in homelessness.
Based on these rules, spitting and peeing in public can amount to 3 points each. The residents would also be adding up points in a similar manner for littering.
Thus, those who bring in 20 penalty points in 2 years time might be kicked out of their homes.
It’s not only the housing complex that frowns on such unsavory habits. The Guangzhou province officials is known for taking a hard line in such matters.
Thereby, folks who spit in public can end up cleaning up their gooey mess as well as coughing up a fine of around 50 yuan.
The province also has installed cameras at select locations, aimed at capturing undesirable spittle action.
/Weird Asia News/