Yesterday, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) officially reveaed the split televoting and jury voting results of the two Semi-Finals and the Final of the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest. The results have been checked and verified by an independent auditor. Both music industry professionals as well as the viewers at home ranked Lena's Satellite (Germany) first.
1 to 8, 10 and 12 points were given by juries and televoters in each country, then combined, and the combined top-10 would determine the actual vote given by that respective country, whereas jury and televoting counted for 50% each.
In the Final, juries and viewers agreed upon the German entry as winner and the UK entry as the song to finish last. In between, there was some disagreement; France, Serbia, Israel and Belgium were awarded significantly different amounts of points by the juries and the televoters. Televoters were also more decisive in the Final, as Germany finished with a higher amount of points and at larger distance from the runner-up in the viewers' vote.
As far as Azerbaijan and Safura Alizadeh go, if the constest was to be voted only by jury (without televoting), Safura would have taken 9th place, instead of 5th. So, once again, special thanks to all those who voted and supported out singer throughout the whole contest!/Eurovision.TV/