Safura has embarked on an intense Eurovision promotional tour that will take her to Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Switzerland, Belgium, Poland and Russia. She opened her tour with a bang, sweeping through Germany on 1st through 3rd May, where she visited Munich, Cologne, Berlin and Hamburg and did a variety of promotional activities, including interviews, photo shoots, live appearances and unplugged performances.
“I am very pleased with how it started. And I am happy that people are genuinely interested in my song Drip Drop, in my new video, in what I have to say. This is an incredible feeling when you see that people around you appreciate what you do. My only regret is that we go to such beautiful cities, and I really have no time to see them. So I am definitely coming back later on a more relaxed schedule,” said Safura.
Safura will be on tour until she goes to Oslo for the Eurovision Week later this month. Despite her ambitious itinerary, elaborate logistics and a tight schedule, Safura has to continue to find time for her vocal practice and her English pronunciation lessons ahead of the Contest. This was one of the requirements her producers made to ensure she arrives to Norway in her best form.
“I think if you don’t enjoy how it is now, how events just happen one after another after another, how every day you are in a new city, and absolutely everybody everywhere expects you to shine – then I believe you should seriously ask yourself if show business is for you, if you really want this life,” confessed Safura.
The Azerbaijani artist declared her intention to “rock Europe” right after she was announced the winner of the Azerbaijani national selection in February 2010. The timing of her European tour was carefully planned. Safura intentionally hits the road through Europe just weeks before the Contest Final to ensure that the audience has the brightest and freshest impressions of her talent by the time of Eurovision. Besides that, during the tour she intends to fully leverage her new Drip Drop music video that was officially released just days before her European tour but has already received thousand hits on her official site alone.
The details of Safura’s schedule and performances in Europe in the next few weeks will be published and constantly our website. If you have been to one of Safura’s events in Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Russia, Ukraine or Sweden, don’t forget to share your emotions with us!
/Eurovision Talents/