TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

State Chamber Orchestra delights classical music lovers

15 January 2024 [14:54] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijan State Chamber Orchestra has delighted the classical music lovers at the State Academic Philharmonic Hall.

At the concert, soloists Yulia Karimova (piano) and Rovshan Amrakhov (violin) performed music pieces by F. Schrecker, J. Rossini, F. Mendelssohn, W. Herbert under the baton of the orchestra's artistic director and chief conductor, People's Artist Fakhraddin Karimov, Azernews reports. The concert aroused great interest among classic music lovers

Note that the Azerbaijan State Chamber Orchestra was created in 1964 on the initiative of outstanding Azerbaijani composers Fikrat Amirov and Gara Garayev. The orchestra has performed with many foreign conductors, such as Salim Akcil (Turkiye), Hakan ?ensoy (Turkiye), Simon Camartin (Sweden), Fabien Theerikson (France), Vladimir Runchak (Ukraine), Riccardo Averbakh (USA), Vladislav Bulakhov (Russia), Roland Freisitzer (Austria), Alexander Ivashkin (England).

In 2007, the orchestra was awarded the Khumay national prize for promoting Azerbaijani classical music in the world.

The Philharmonic Hall is a unique centre of classical music that perfectly unites seven performing groups, including the State Symphony Orchestra, the State Choir Capella, the State Chamber Orchestra, the State Piano Trio, the State String Quartet, the State Folk Song and Dance Ensemble, as well as the State Orchestra of Folk Instruments.

Numerous international projects, music festivals, and concerts by local and foreign musicians are regularly organised here.

In 2020, Russia's TurStat listed the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Society among the best philharmonic halls in the CIS countries.

The rating was based on the popularity of philharmonic societies and offers of online concerts.

The list also included the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic Hall, the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic Society, the Belarusian State Philharmonic, the Kazakh State Philharmonic, the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan, and the Kyrgyz National Philharmonic.


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