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Heydar Aliyev Palace to host concert dedicated to prominent mugham singer

30 August 2024 [14:43] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Heydar Aliyev Palace will host a concert dedicated to prominent mugham singer Sakhavat Mammadov on October 24, Azernews reports.

Some of the brightest representatives of the Garabagh mugham school will present their virtual duet with Sakhavat Mammadov on the memorial night. The audience will also have an opportunity to enjoy performances of songs originally sung by the beloved artist, interpreted by various mugham performers.

The concert will feature People's Artists Malakkhanum Ayyubova, Mansum Ibrahimov, Gulyanag Mammadova, Nazakat Teymurova, Honored Artists Almaz Orujova, Sevinj Sariyeva, Firuz Sakhavat (Mammadov), Jabir Abdullayev, Zakir Aliyev and well-known singers Sabina Arabli, Kamila Nabiyeva, Miralam Miralamov, Malik Hasanov, Shahmar Hajiyev, Aliyar Mammadov and Anar Mammadov.

Sakhavat Mammadov, who left a mark in our musical art, was born on October 23, 1953 in Abdal-Gulabl? village of Agdam district. He studied at Asaf Zeynalli Music College.

Mammadov, learned the secrets of mugham from master singer, People's Artist Hajibaba Huseynov. He was the soloist of the Humayun Folk Ensemble.

He continued his education at Azerbaijan State Art Institute (now ADMIU).

Sakhavat Mammadov contributed to the promotion of the Azerbaijani mugham in the countries he toured together with his Garabagh Instrumental Ensemble.

His efforts not only highlighted the significance of this traditional form of music but also helped cultivate a broader appreciation for Azerbaijani culture on the global stage.


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