TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Baku to host Umid 2024 Art Contest

12 January 2024 [17:09] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

The Rashid Behbudov State Song Theatre will host Umid 2024 Art Contest on January 13-14.

The event is co-organized by the Azerbaijan Youth Union and the Azerbaijan Dance Association with the support of Jam group, Azernews reports.

Representatives from the capital and the country`s districts will take part in the art competition, which is being held for the eighth time.

Speaking about the contest, the project founder and President of the Azerbaijan Dance Association, Aziz Azizov, stressed the importance of the competition aimed at supporting talented children and youth and creating conditions for them to appear on stage and improve themselves.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Youth Union Zakir Aliyev noted that the competition is held on the days of the Old New Year and, as the name suggests, the art competition inspires children and youth to start 2024 with new hopes and motivation. Starting at the age of four, every child and youth can demonstrate their talent by performing in a competition.

The contest participants will perform in several genres (folklore, classics, pop) and several types of art (song, theater, vocals, art reading, choreography, fashion).

The jury includes Honoured and People's Artists of Azerbaijan, honoured cultural figures.

Media partners of the event are Azernews.Az, Trend.Az, Day.Az, Milli.Az.


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