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Mugham Stories heard at National Conservatory

25 June 2023 [14:38] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijan National Conservatory has hosted a concert themed "Mugham Stories" as part of the 6th International World of Mugham Music Festival.

Accompanied by Aliagha Sadiyev (tar), Ruslan Huseynov (double bass), Tofig Jabbarov and Hasan Bilalov (percussion), People's Artist Teyyub Aslanov and jazz pianist Nijat Aslanov stunned the listeners with a synthesis of Azerbaijani mughams with modern jazz music, Azernews reports.

Soloist of the Azerbaijan National Ensemble of Ancient Traditional Musical Instruments Teyyub Aslanov has participated in many foreign concerts and festivals as part of the Azerbaijani mugham trio and various ensembles.

He is an associate professor of the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts, head of the Mugham Art Department.

Nijat Aslanov, a graduate of the piano department of Baku Music Academy, is an incredibly talented jazz singer. The musician performs colorful compositions in different jazz styles.

Nijat Aslanov made his debut at Baku Jazz Center in 2012. At the same time, he has performed at many local and international stages.

Initiated by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the International World of Mugham Festival draws more attention to mugham art.

The 6th International World of Mugham Music Festival is co-organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Culture Ministry with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education and the Azerbaijan National Conservatory.


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