The Art Garden center in capital’s Kichik Karavansarai (Small Karavansarai) held a literary and art action on the topic “The Azerbaijan national fairy tales in voices and drawings of children”, organized by the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan and “Development and the World” Public Association with support of Administration of the State Historical-Architectural Reserve "Icherisheher".
In action attended by folklore specialists, artists, representatives of embassies of foreign countries, chairman of the “Development and the World” PA Namazali Mustafayev informed on competition of reading of the Azerbaijan national fairy tales carried out among pupils of the Baku secondary schools number 7, 27, 83, 125, 145 and 160. As was noted, the competition’s purpose is to increase the interest of children and teenagers to the Azerbaijan national fairy tales, their reciting abilities and estimation of creative activity.
N. Mustafayev also has brought to attention that the drawings of small artists created on motives of national fairy tales, are represented for the first time to wide audience. The purpose is to propagandize national fairy tales by means of the fine arts and to keep them as valuable national property. “If we don't read and love our fairy tales the Armenians constantly encroaching on cultural heritage of Azerbaijan, will attempt to appropriate them, too”, Mustafayev underlined.
Then, the Azerbaijan national fairy tales have been presented by children who have won at competition. Fairy tales “Hare”, “Tig-Tig Khanim” and “Melikmammad” which have performed by Rauf Muradly, Gunel Rahimli and Vagif Mammadzade respectively in the Azerbaijani language, have been met by applause. Along with it, Emil Zeynalov, Aydan Mammadzade, Beylar Zeynally have read fairy tales in Russian, while Fatima and Rahima Alizades and Gulmira Tamirova – in English language.
On the action, also were presented compositions of talented small artists from the Child-Youth Creativity Palace named after Tofig Ismayilov – “The Tale of Hunter Prim” by Iltifat Allahverdiyev, “The Fellow On A White Horse” by Nargiz Bayramova, “Jirtdan” by Jabrail Aliyev, “The Jinn” by Chingiz Rajabli, “Reyhan and Kamal” by Khatyn Abdulzade. The graphic works created on motives of the Azerbaijan national fairy tales, with their variety have made pleasant impression among spectators.
The winners of the competition dedicated to the Azerbaijan national fairy tales were given diplomas and gifts.