A meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People, ASSITEJ will be held in Baku on February 20-26. The event will bring together about 20 representatives from 16 countries of the world.
ASSITEJ`s President Yvette Hardie, Secretary General Ivica Simic, vice-presidents Kim Peter Kovac and Stefan Fischer-Fels, Executive Assistant Dora Jelacic Buzimski and others will be among the participants.
ASSITEJ was established in 1965 as an international alliance of professionals involved in theatre for children and young people. There are 83 national centres on globally. ASSITEJ facilitates worldwide access and the interchange of ideas and cultural traditions for professionals producing theatre for children and young people. In stimulating the creator’s of children and youth theatres to strive for higher standards of theatrical accomplishment, ASSITEJ joints cultures by promoting equality, peace, education and cultural and racial harmony.