In 2006, Azerbaijan is expected to register 96,700 births and 52,000 deaths.
State Statistical Committee Chairman, Arif Valiyev, told a press conference that the census also includes some 120,000 Azerbaijani citizens of Armenian origin living in Nagorno Karabakh.
Economically active population reaches 3,973,000. Last year Azerbaijan is said to register 17 births an hour, 408 a day and 148,700 a year. And, the number of marriages grew in 2006.
2,200 migrants arrived in Azerbaijan while 2,600 left. Azerbaijan registered 3,000 economic migrants.
According to 1999 census, over 1,000 Armenian-by-origin people live in this country.
Meanwhile, 621,000 Azerbaijanis live in Russia as per 2002 census in the Federation, of which 155,000 are Russian citizens. That is, over 470,000 Azeri people work in this country.
"Average Azeri economic migrant remits $150 from Russia every month, which is 6% of Gross Domestic Product," he underscored.
International Labor Organization said Azerbaijan receives $130 per migrant a month from Russia, APA reports.