As APA reports, 264.1 thousand persons were serviced in such establishments over the preceding year. 50.7% of them were Azeri citizens, 10.1% CIS citizens, 39.2% foreign country citizens. 53.8% of tourists came to Azerbaijan on a business visit, 30.1% for rest and entertainment, 6.7% for receiving medical treatment, and 9.4% for other purposes. AZN 66.5 million was obtained from operation of the hotels in the reporting period and it exceeds the 2004 relevant figure by 22.5%. Main part of the income (71.3%) was derived from booking of rooms in the hotels.
On average, 4092 persons worked in the hotels and establishments of hotel type in 2005. AZN 9 million was utilized for payment of their salaries. Operating costs on the hotels and establishments of hotel type made up AZN 47.3 million during the period under review.