TODAY.AZ / Business

Azerbaijan holds event on women in space

27 April 2023 [14:21] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews 

Sabina Mammadli

Azerbaijan’s ADA University held a "Space Generation Azerbaijan" event on the theme of "Women in space: challenges and opportunities" organized by “Azerkosmos" and the Space Generation Advisory Council, Azernews reports.

In line with the "Girls in ICT" day held internationally on the fourth day of the last week of April, the event was aimed to attract girls to the field of information technologies and to support their role in this sector.

Students, young specialists and scientists, space enthusiasts mainly aged 18-35 participated in sessions, panel discussions and webinars, master classes, and networking in the field of space science and technology within the event.

In an interesting panel discussion about strengthening the role of women in STEAM (science, technology, education, engineering, arts and mathematics), the employees of Azerbnaijan’s Science and Education and Digital Development and Transport Ministries gave their recommendations to girls about the importance of the ICT field.

Besides, the participants learned new methods in the master class dedicated to the preparation of the "James Webb" space telescope.

Attendees then joined webinars by US aerospace company Axiom Space scientist Lucy Lowe on space station creation and commercialization and SGAC's gender equality theme.

At the end of the event, winner of the Copernicus Olympiad in physics and astronomy, winner of the ActInSpace hackathon, the Nexus team of UFAZ Gandab Mammadova, founder of the "Zahra kosmosda" platform Zahra Imanova, and Azerkosmos’ engineer Rovshana Bahmanli, spoke on the topic of "Next Generation Leaders in Space".

Finally, the guests were informed about the International Astronautical Congress to be held in Baku in October, and a lottery was held among the participants to participate in the congress.


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