APA was informed about it by the chief of the press-service of the Azerbaijan State Railway (ASR) Nazir Azmammadov who stated that the inspection had been started from the Yalama frontier post under the chairmanship of the chief engineer of ASR on Novemebr 14.
The further inspection will be conducted in Yalama-Sumgayit, Boyuk Kesik-Gazimammad, Horadiz-Osmanli, Astara-Ali Bayramli-Alat, Ali Bayramli-Pirsaat-Bilajari, Apsheron field, Bilajari, Baku-passenger, Baku-cargo, Keshla, Shirvan, Guzdek, Khirdalan stations and fields and directions including all branches of the railway.
The related structural departments of ASR were given respective instructions in order for the inspection to be held in an organized form.