The official exchange rate of Azerbaijani manat to the US dollar set by Azerbaijani Central Bank consolidated by 0.0046 manats (0.2865 percent). Accordingly, the average rate was set at 1.60384 manats to 1 US dollar.
Official exchange rate of manat to US dollar | |||
Jan. 18 | 1,587 | Jan. 25 | 1,6054 |
Jan. 19 | 1,6028 | Jan. 26 | 1,6052 |
Jan. 20 | - | Jan. 27 | 1,605 |
Jan. 21 | 1,6028 | Jan. 28 | 1,6028 |
Jan. 22 | 1,6028 | Jan. 29 | 1,6008 |
Average weekly | 1,59885 | Average weekly | 1,60384 |
During the week, the official exchange rate of manat to euro set by the CBA dropped by 0.0139 manats (0.8009 percent). Accordingly, the average rate was set at 1.74292 manats to 1 euro.
Official exchange rate of manat to euro | |||
Jan. 18 | 1,7293 | Jan. 25 | 1,7356 |
Jan. 19 | 1,7451 | Jan. 26 | 1,7418 |
Jan. 20 | - | Jan. 27 | 1,7432 |
Jan. 21 | 1,7458 | Jan. 28 | 1,7445 |
Jan. 22 | 1,7365 | Jan. 29 | 1,7495 |
Average weekly | 1,739175 | Average weekly | 1,74292 |
The official exchange rate of Azerbaijani manat to the Russian ruble set by Azerbaijani Central Bank dropped by 0.0005 manats (2.439 percent). Accordingly, the average rate was set at 0.02048 manats to 1 Russian ruble.
Official exchange rate of manat to Russian ruble | |||
Jan. 18 | 0,0203 | Jan. 25 | 0,0205 |
Jan. 19 | 0,0202 | Jan. 26 | 0,0201 |
Jan. 20 | - | Jan. 27 | 0,0203 |
Jan. 21 | 0,0197 | Jan. 28 | 0,0205 |
Jan. 22 | 0,0194 | Jan. 29 | 0,021 |
Average weekly | 0,0199 | Average weekly | 0,02048 |
During the week, the official exchange rate of manat to Turkish lira set by the CBA dropped by 0.0046 manats (0.8597 percent). Accordingly, the average rate was set at 0.53464 manats to 1 Turkish lira.
Official exchange rate of manat to Turkish lira | |||
Jan. 18 | 0,5222 | Jan. 25 | 0,5351 |
Jan. 19 | 0,5283 | Jan. 26 | 0,5309 |
Jan. 20 | - | Jan. 27 | 0,5333 |
Jan. 21 | 0,5262 | Jan. 28 | 0,5342 |
Jan. 22 | 0,5308 | Jan. 29 | 0,5397 |
Average weekly | 0,526875 | Average weekly | 0,53464 |
Last week, the price on one ounce of gold increased by 23,3714 manats (1.328 percent).
Accordingly, the average price for gold reached 1779,19576 manats.
Change in the value of one ounce of gold: | |||
Jan. 18 | 1735,7813 | Jan. 25 | 1759,9198 |
Jan. 19 | 1745,7698 | Jan. 26 | 1776,3143 |
Jan. 20 | - | Jan. 27 | 1787,328 |
Jan. 21 | 1765,8849 | Jan. 28 | 1789,1255 |
Jan. 22 | 1757,4702 | Jan. 29 | 1783,2912 |
Average weekly | 1751,22655 | Average weekly | 1779,19576 |
The trading at Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BBVB) has not been carried out since early 2015, so the exchange rate of manat is not formed.