TODAY.AZ / Politics

Matthew Bryza: "After the events in Georgia, the United States will always be with Azerbaijan"

18 September 2008 [17:15] - TODAY.AZ
"The United States support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan and it will always be like that", said US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza at a press conference today.
He said after the events in Georgia the United States will always be with Azerbaijan in its hard times and in peace.

As regards the visit of US vice president Richard Cheney to Azerbaijan, M.Bryza noted that the United States display serious interest to the welfare and security of our country.

"Through the past 17 years, the United States, that were striving to assist in the strengthening of independence and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, have always been with this country. Both at peace and at war, Azerbaijan can rely on us and we are going to continue partnership", said Bryza.

He noted that the major part of his work, carried out through the past ten years, envisions cooperation with the governments of Azerbaijan and Armenia, co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group for the peaceful resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict, as well as the expansion of bilateral relations.


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