TODAY.AZ / Politics

Pakistani Charge d'affaires: Policy of big powers in world is dictated through economic needs

31 October 2023 [16:00] - TODAY.AZ

By Azernews

Qabil Ashirov

Azerbaijan-Pakistan relations are more than a century old. Despite being geographically far apart, the two brotherly states have always supported each other in times of need.

At the beginning of the 20th century, when a dangerous epidemic situation was declared in Pakistan, the first medical aid group was sent to the aid of the people suffering from infectious diseases in the country at the initiative of Haji Zeynalabidin Taghiyev, an Azerbaijani philanthropist known all around the globe.

Pakistan is a Muslim country that does not forget kindness and always shows perseverance in friendship and brotherhood. It is no coincidence that Pakistan was among the countries that supported the struggle of Azerbaijan in the Patriotic War.

It should be noted that Pakistan and Azerbaijan have similarities in religious, cultural, and historical values as well as geographical features. Both countries, as the parties suffering from the occupation, closely understand each other's problems and try to support each other constantly.

Unfortunately, both countries have been subjected to unfair pressure in resolving conflicts due to the ineffectiveness of UN resolutions on similar problems. However, despite all these obstacles, the unshakable determination of brotherhood between the two countries stood up to the difficulties.

Speaking to Azernews, Pakistani Charge d’affaires Sara Ijaz said that Pakistani-Azerbaijani relations are not just ordinary relations. They are relations that we call brotherly and fraternal ties. They are based on culture, religion, and common interests on the global stage.

“So, we see that relations between the two countries have been strong since the inception of Azerbaijan's independence. However, over the last couple of years, the relationships have been growing more and more, and they are diversifying further. Both countries take further steps towards tangible cooperation. In other words, it is more than fraternal relations. We see the fruits of these relations in terms of cooperation in the fields of energy, education, culture, and connectivity. So, there is more people-to-people contact now. Hundreds of Pakistanis are coming to Baku because they feel it is their second home. They are coming to see a beautiful city. Likewise, Azerbaijani Airlines has started direct flights to Pakistan. Seeing this potential, the people on both sites need to meet and take the relationship further. So, the relationship is on track, and just two or three weeks ago, the Pakistani Foreign Minister was in Azerbaijan to attend an IOC Ministerial meeting in the beautiful city of Shusha. By the way, I want to congratulate Azerbaijanis once again on the occasion of the liberation of Azerbaijan's territories. We are so happy to see Garabagh free and to say Garabagh is Azerbaijan!” the Charge d’affaires emphasized.

She also said that Azerbaijan and Pakistan share the same fate in terms of UN Security Council resolutions. The UNSC adopted many resolutions over the Kashmir conflict, but the resolutions have not been implemented yet. She pointed out that, just like in the case of Azerbaijan, there are many UN Security Council resolutions validating Garabagh being part of Azerbaijan. However, the international community was not helping Azerbaijan achieve or maintain its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

“Like that, there are numerous UNSC resolutions talking about the resolution of the Kashmir conflict with the consent of the Kashmiri people. But every day, what is seen to be happening is that these resolutions are not being implemented. On the other side, the oppressor is making the control of this area stronger and stronger on the people, violating their human rights to the extent of going through a genocidal policy just to eliminate the people of Kashmir. So, this is extremely unfortunate, and this is why the Pakistani embassy's effort to commemorate the struggle of the Kashmiri people. We do many events throughout the year to highlight this struggle, and we are so grateful that our brothers and sisters from Azerbaijan come to show their support,” Sara Ijaz said.

She thinks that besides UNSC resolutions, the world needs more political, moral, and diplomatic pressure to make the world powers see the importance of the issue and understand that the Kashmir issue is not limited to its regional importance.

“It is crucial for the stability of South Asia as well because, as is known, Pakistan and India are nuclear powers. Therefore, there is only one solution to the conflict, and that is to sit down, talk, and implement the UNSC resolutions," the Charge d’affaires underlined.

She also touched on the segregation of conflicts and said that it is not right and fair. The world powers take some conflicts more seriously and impose sanctions on aggressors, but they overlook other conflicts. She noted that at present, the world is moving towards economic centricity and the values of human rights and individual freedoms that were the slogans of global powers, especially in the West.

“The policy of big powers in the world is dictated through economic needs, and those economic needs sometimes take the front and human rights, democracy, and freedoms take the back. This is what we are observing in the world. So, the above-said values may be for the developing world, while the West and other global powers can do anything that they want. That is why we have hypocrisy in international relations. Because it is becoming more and more economy-dominated,” the Charge d’affaires of Pakistan in Azerbaijan, Sara Ijaz concluded.


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