The United States House of Representatives member – Congressman Gerald Connoly of the State of Virginia promised Azeri Diaspora members to pay attention to Azerbaijan and Turkey related issues and concerns, Congressman Connoly’s office said.
“As a Member of Congress, it is essential that I know my constituents’ thoughts and concerns so I can best represent their interests in Congress. I will continue to watch this issue closely going forward to determine if any Congressional action is necessary”, noted the Congressman in his letter to the Diaspora members.
The Congress discusses numerous issues, and matters on Azerbaijan and Turkey are among those, and therefore it is vital and important to pay attention to the opinions of these countries and their Diaspora, according to Con. Connoly.
Azeri and Turkish Diasporas have been sending numerous letters to the US Congressmen expressing their concerns on the Turkey related issues raised in the parliament currently. One of those is the possible resolution on religious issues in Turkey, another – about returning some of the churches to the Armenians.
Azeri and Turkish Diasporas continue looking for support among government officials and ordinary Americans.