A solemn reception was organized at the US House Cannon Caucus Room on the occasion of 92nd anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR), Azerbaijani embassy in USA said.
US Congressmen, representatives of the State Department, departments of Defense, Energy and Commerce, as well as other US government agencies, leading experts of Washington DC think tanks, top officials of the US companies, various non-governmental organizations, diplomatic missions accredited in the United States, as well as members of the Azerbaijani Diaspora organizations, staff members of the Azerbaijani embassy and others participated at the ceremony.
Azerbaijani Ambassador to the United States Yashar Aliyev welcomed the guests. He said ADR played an important role in restoration of national statehood traditions of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan reached its independence again in 1991 and the country is strongly developing and moving confidently forward as a political and economical leader of the region. The ambassador pointed out that the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and other influential international organizations highly appreciated the successful modernization policy pursued under the leadership of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. He thanked the US Congressmen who issued statements of congratulation on the occasion of the Republican Day.
Bill Shuster, member of the House committees on Armed Services, Natural Resources and Transportation, co-chair of the Caucus on Azerbaijan, underlined the historical importance of the ADR and congratulated the Azerbaijani people and government on the holiday.
Congressman said Azerbaijan situated in a very dynamic and sensitive region is a very significant ally for the US. He noted Azerbaijan’s role in ensuring energy security in the world and the peacemaking efforts of the US in Afghanistan and other hot spots.
Personal representative of Washington mayor, chief of protocol department of the mayor’s office Patricia Elwood read Mayor Adrian Fenty’s letter of congratulation to Azerbaijani Republic and people. The letter expressed gratitude to the Azerbaijani embassy for cultural contribution to the development of the U.S. capital.
The books prepared by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, English publication of IRS magazine devoted to the anniversary of ADR, film made by LiderTV and other publications about Azerbaijan were distributed among the participants.