Until his fuzzy logic theory causing the revolution in science brain that reasons with Aristotle logic perceives the world only in white or black colour. Lotfi Zadeh’s logic allows perceiving the world with all shades. He indeed made big revolution in the world science with his own logic and theory. At the same time in the philosophical view of the human being on a life as well. This theory calls people to see, perceive the world motlier and thereby not to strain the already strained world even more, to make easier of own and others lives and shows the ways for it.
It was such a big revolution in science that the academic circles of the USA that have always paid special attention to scientific innovations and development during 20 years have approached to this theory coldly and cautiously since multi-valued (continuous) logic of L.Zadeh literally overthrews the binary logic of Aristotle.
Aristotle said that a statement can be only true or false. L.Zadeh was proving that truth degree of each statement takes on continuous values between truth and false (or between one and zero). There is more tolerance, patience and less accusation, blaming in this logic. This logic has an ability to make more correct reflection of the real life. With his fuzzy logic theory he had made such a revolution in science that it could be widely used at the same time in economy, psychology, linguistics, politics, philosophy, sociology, religious matters and conflicts as it is widely used today. In my view, to learn and study his scientific works related to the fuzzy logic theory will be very beneficial for people engaged in politics, doctors, experts engaged in human being psychology and so on and will be very useful for their activities. For instance, according to the logic of Aristotle someone only is a friend or an enemy. However, according to L.Zadeh’s logic there are infinitely many degrees between a friend and an enemy (for example, acquaintance, neutral, a very close friend, friends of interests and so on). This theory of him is interesting not only for scientists. In effect everybody, every politician and others could draw a lot of benefits from his theory. As I do…
I have read a lot about him. His innovations to science, great results and earnings obtained in the world due to these innovations provoked in me a dream to meet this genius scientist, to carry out exchange of views with him connected with his theories, to get answers to many questions of mine. As an Azerbaijani I was really proud of this genius counterpart.
In effect every nation is very proud of persons endowed by them to the world and the human history. This kind of people do great works not only for their own nations but also for the whole world and the humanity, leaving their name in the history as well as the name of their nation. Sometimes only one person plays or can play a great role in introducing of a nation to the world.
Kind and modest Azerbaijani Lotfi Zadeh
After watching the very nice film directed by fellow countrymen, O. Baba Zadeh and M.Samad “Professor Lotfi Zadeh” I dreamed to talk to him not only as a genius scientist about his researches and sincerely as one of Azerbaijani too. I met him in California, the state of the USA, where he lived and worked during long years. Before me there was not a cold and far American scientist L.Zadeh as many thought but a kind and close, simple Azerbaijani L. Zadeh. I was most surprised by excessive simplicity and good nature of this person. This person with which we made friends within several minutes and started to talk, was a scientist whose name was listed along with giants of the world science and who was considered as the father of fuzzy logic, L. Zadeh, excessively simple and good natured.
The genius scientist making revolution in the world scienceIt is interesting that he seemed very satisfied with being among members of parliament form Azerbaijan, our consul general in Los Angels and officers of the consulate, with fellow country men and conversations in far San Francisco, at a table, in a restaurant with the most refined dishes of our ethnic cuisine. And we as well… It was may be one of the most interesting meetings we held in California. He was asking many questions about Azerbaijan. We were discussing Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenia, the situation around Nagornp Karabakh conflict solution, development, economic potential, the way our country passed, science, culture and many other areas. The meeting continued for hours. Nobody wanted to leave. Talking to him was very interesting for us too. I had more opportunity to talk to him as I sat next to him at the table and dreamed to know this genius scientist and Azerbaijani more closely.
His childhood coincided with hard times of Azerbaijan. He was born in 1921, in Baku, in an intellectual family. The library in their house was his most favourable place. Everybody who met and knew him, close relations of family had been saying that this talented boy who was spending his time reading books had great future. However ,when he was 9 years old his family was forced to leave Baku. The reason of his family for returning to Iran was new regulations applied by the USSR.
As per these regulations, Azerbaijanis from South Azerbaijan had to accept soviet citizenship or leave the state... The family dissatisfied with many steps undertaken by soviets moved to Iran. So in his life passed to a new stage…
America … The way leading to great dreams and scientific revolutions!
He loves America very much. The University of California in Berkeley where he has been working for many years is very dear to him. At present he is only a person who got a chair of computer science of Berkeley University for life and an Azerbaijani. It is worth of being proud!
I ask him about the way leading to creation of fuzzy logic. He becomes thoughtful. Then suggests tasting the plov, the king of ethnic dishes and adds that he likes Azerbaijani cuisine very much and it is the most delicious cuisine of the world.
Upon moving from Baku to Tehran his family sent him to Arbores missioners’ school of Americans. Even during his education years at the University of Tehran he was thinking about best opportunities for development of science in America and connecting his future activities with this country. In 1944 L.Zadeh came to the US and connected his life with this country forever. The first his research that introduced him to the international world was the issue of frequency analysis of non-stationary circuits. In 1952 together with Ch. Raggasini he suggested an interesting generalisation of extrapolation theory of Wiener. At the same year he worked out Z-transform method for discrete systems. In 1957 he became a professor of Columbia University in the field of electrical engineering and moved to California on recommendation of world-known scientist considered as the father of cybernetics, Norbert Weiner. He chaired the computer sciences and electrical technology department at the University of California in Berkeley. In 1963 he suggested approach of state space that completely changed the control theory and together with Charles Desoir published the book titled “The linear systems theory”. Thus in the middles of 1960 L.Zadeh became one of the most famous expert in the field of systems theory, control theory and their application. After publishing a work “Fuzzy sets” in 1965 he was known to the world academic circles. This research caused a great resonance in the world and laid the foundation of new direction in science. With his scientific researches he was proving that real human judgements based on natural language can not be described within the framework of traditional mathematical formalisms. Though this scientific innovation, revolution of him first times was met coldly and cautiously but after some years the whole world stated to profit from it.
The fuzzy logic of L. Zadeh or revolution in the world science!Tea is served. I say people in Azerbaijan know him well and are proud of him. Then I ask why he does not come to Azerbaijan? I will he says and complains about being busy with a lot work, of scientific conferences and symposiums carried out in different points of the world. He says he spends most of the year participating in conferences and meetings. We, members of parliament and our consul general, express our wish to see him soon in Azerbaijan, need of scientific society alongside with ordinary people in his thoughts and conversations. I jokingly tell him that he as an Azerbaijani must come to Azerbaijan very often. He promises to come. Then the conversation is reverted to the difficult way that fuzzy logic theory that brought to L. Zadeh the world-wide fame, to leading world companies enormous profits had passed.
The theory worked out in 1965 was met by American scientific society coldly and cautiously. However, Japanese that skilfully use the scientific innovations and revolutions could not ignore and did not ignore this scientific innovation. Since 1980 years Japanese scientists have started to use this scientific revolution. Application of this method brought to Japan milliards of US dollars. Even today such prestigeious companies of Japan as “Mitsubishi”, “Toshiba”, “Sony”, “Canon”, “Sanyo”, “Nissan”, “Honda” and others benefit from L. Zadeh’s fuzzy logic theory and gain great economic profit. For example, “Mitchusita” Company producing goods under names of “Panasonic” and “Cvassar” gained billions of US dollars upon application of fuzzy technology. Even though Americans were a bit later than Japanese they widely benefited from L. Zadeh’s theory too. America’s world known companies “General Motors”, “General Electrics”, “Motorola”, “Dupont”, “Kodak” widely use this theory for their production. His theory is widely used in Europe as well. For instance, in Denmark are produced cement kilns operating on the basis of fuzzy logic. In Europe are made many systems and installations, particularly “clever” expert systems.
Koran and fuzzy logic theory of L.ZadehThe great contribution of Lotfi Zadeh is giving a new theory – the fuzzy sets theory instead of the theory of classic binary sets being the base of classic mathematics. Including of fuzzy measures in science created opportunities to consider more adequately uncertainty of processes taking place in nature and society.
Lotfi Zadeh created alternative mathematics - fuzzy mathematics! Due to change of language of science, measure of uncertainty, there were created fuzzy physics, fuzzy chemistry, fuzzy mathematics and other fuzzy sciences. “He made such a big revolution in science that this theory for its spread speed and scope reminds more religion than science”. It is not possible to disagree. Because there is nearly not such science field in the world, organising dozens of international conferences every year, publishing more than 50 research journals. It is only his, Lotfi Zadeh fuzzy logic field. It is worth to be proud of. Simple Azerbijanian, Lotfi Zadeh is a genius!
Classical and neoclassical economics that lays in the foundation of world economy mainly leans on not rational postulate. All people, decision makers participating in the economic world are rational. It means that if a decision maker is a producer he (she) maximises own profit, profit of own company and if a decision maker is a consumer he (she) maximises own utilities, own wishes. In other words it is an egoistic attitude. What about reciprocity, others wish, altruism? Nobel prize-winners on the economics D. Kahn man, G. Bakerloo and others noted that classical and neoclassical economics did not prove itself in the world and expressed great need in creation of new, more adequate economic theory. In the behaviour economics must be taken into consideration social norms, internal motivations, for instance trust, reciprocity, altruism and so on of all people participating in economic processes, all decision makers. But how? It is known that any theory deals with not real life but with its model. How features of human being behaviour listed above could be considered in such model that is going to make the base of new economics? It is impossible to measure them by money (in classical and neoclassical economics maximised profit and utility are estimated in money).
Answer to this “how” must be sought in application of fuzzy theory. Now in research and mass literature, on mass media, web-sites we can meet hundreds of publications on fuzzy theory. For a moment you recognise the matching between economic theory created on L.Zadeh’s idea and ideas of Koran. Are not emphasised in that Holy book zakat (religious tax), consideration of others usefulness, not to be indifferent to economic inequality? It is interesting whether Bill Gates referred to above mentioned values of Koran when he was criticizing existing capitalism and stating about great need of building of new creative capitalism, creating new economic model at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year?
New economic theory will be built on basis of fuzzy theory of genius L. Zadeh, it needs only time.
Allah does not play dice with universe or confession of dieing Einstein! Zadeh’s theories, as well as, fuzzy logic and its consistent element - possibility theory (not probability) are being widely applied not only in the macroworld, but also in the microworld. There is a strange news in "The New York Times" newspaper in American mathematician and physicist V.Green’s article "100 years of uncertainty". The world-famous scientist A. Einstein a few days before his death in Prinstone hospital looked through his articles which had been a catalizer for quantum mechanics and for which he had been awarded the Nobel prize said “no, that is wrong, electrons’ movement trajectory should be based not on probabilities, but on possibilities”. It is well known that probability theory is based on Aristotelian binary logic, while possibility theory is based on L.Zadeh’s fuzzy logic. A.Einstein’s words “God does not play dice with the universe” are also indicative of microworld model being described more adequately according to fuzzy logic. Nowadays scientists both in America and many other countries are setting up foundation of fuzzy physics. Construction of this building will not take long.
We are speaking about his family. His wife Fey says that they have a son Nariman and a daughter Stella. His wife accompanies him in all his arrangements and trips. This is a very loving couple of true friends. Although his family moved to Iran in 1930’s, he has relatives in Baku and keeps in touch with them regularly.
I say that I am going to write an article about Lutfi Zadeh. Mrs. Fey tells me the sources which I could use. And these are countless sources... We recur to Lutfi Zadeh’s world famous scientific theories. Lutfi Zadeh has presented 5 fundamental theories to the world science. Scientific theories like Computation with Perceptions, State Space Theory, Computing with words”, Soft Computing, Fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets have been an outstanding contribution to development of the world science. Today these theories are widely applied in all spheres of our life.
Machine, people and Lutfi Zadeh!The discoveries of the great scientist are important in creating computers, thinking like human being, machines which master experience and knowledge and other machines with artificial and computational intelligence!
Theory of computing with words!In computing based on this theory words and sentences are used as information granules. This type of computers is the most adequate technical model of human brain capable to draw logical conclusions and process information on the basis of perceptions!
Computing with perceptions theory!This theory ensures methods of receiving quick and full information about environment without precise measuring. The theory is intended to provide a human being with principles and methods of developing plausible artificial perception system! All the said gave very powerful incentive to development of information technologies in the world and his works are widely used by people all over the world. He is a man of genius and a mere azerbaijani Lutfi Zadeh!
L. Zadeh’s work known as Z-transform is a theory which set up a basis for creating discrete and digital control, information and communication systems. As concerns the Soft Computing theory, this is a concersum of new technologies that include intellectual combinations of fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, genetic algorhythms, chaos theory and probability reasoning paradigms. Developing the fuzzy logic and possibility theory he was dealing with applcation of this theory in intellectual systems. To consider uncertainty in expert systems he suggested a number of methods of applying fuzzy logic to imprecise information and drawing logical conclusion. And that was a very significant scientific innovation!
NASA and Lotfi Zadeh!Lotfi Zadeh’s famous state space, dynamic systems controllability and observability theories constitute a basis of modern control science. The USA’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) research, design and apply control systems on the basis of these theories. In short, the great scientist’s fuzzy logic theory is of great importance in implementation of the USA’s space programs.
Age doesn’t matter!
Although he is 87 years old, he doesn’t look his age. He accepts our compliments in this regards. He says that this is owing to sports, healthy way of life and nutrition. To our mind as a human being he must have used his own theories. The fuzzy logic theory being his views of life and philosophy of life is one of main reasons that helped him to reach these ages so healthy, cheerful hale and hearty. He is one of those rare scholars of present-day who put forward unique ideas and determine new scientific tendencies. Every single work of his becomes an event in the scientific world.
But, he found time to participate in Azerbaijan diaspora’s actions in California. For example, he took part and delivered a speech at the 2nd academic forum of American-Azerbaijanians' Youth Council in Berkeley University. Of course the participation of L.Zadeh- BerkeleyUniversity’s pride at Azerbaijanians' action, as Azerbaijanian is very important and effective. I think, there is no need to explain the impressions on other nations by that. And at the same time, it is obvious that L.Zadeh's participation in such kind of actions is a great stimuli for the Azerbaijanian youth who live and study in USA too...
Modest Lutfi Zadeh!Looking at Lutfi Zadeh, who is a very modest man, I remembered one of our proverbs: Fruiting tree always bends down. As if, he is not the author of scientific theories that made a revolution and changes in the world science. As if, Zadeh Institute of Information Technologies - ZİFT institute - situated in Berkeley the USA has never been founded in his honour. As if, he is not the owner of Japan’s highest prize Honda which is awarded to the best scentists. He was warded that title for industrial successes of his fuzzy logic theory. Nowadays Lutfi Zadeh is the scientist whose works are referred to most of all in the world. His is honorary academician of many academies and honorary professor of many universities in abroad. He has been awarded numerous prizes and medals by great societies and foundations. Actually it is very difficult to make a complete list of his awards and prizes, because that may take pages! And what could be better than an azerbaijani’s recognition and appreciation at the highest scientific level in the world!
Nowadays fuzzy control model is applied in various spheres from domestic techniques to complex technological prosesses such as fuzzy vaacuum cleaners, washing machines, blast furnaces, atomic energy blocks, control of dynamic objects such as subway trains, vehicles, helicopters, robots. In other words Lutfi Zadeh theory comprises all spheres of our life. It is worth being proud of!
He is a member of Azerbaijan’s National Academy of Sciences and an honorary doctor of several universities including Baku State University. We speak about his followers, too. He said the name of one of Azerbaijan’s very famous scientists, academician, intellectual Rafig Aliyev whom he thought very highly of. His wife added that their families were friends, were in very good terms and visited each-other from time to time. Although we were aware of Rafig Aliyev’s high world reputation as a scientist, we got glad and proud of the brilliant scientist Lutfi Zadeh’s high appreciation. (By the way, in this article we referred to Rafig Aliyev’s some thoughts about Lutfi Zadeh).
Unforgettable evening We had had our tea, but no one was willing to leave the talk that lasted till midnight. Someone is approaching our table, shakes hands with Lutfi Zadeh and says he is very proud of meeting him. Seeing that the scientist did not recognize him he says: You don’t know me but I knew and appreciate you. What can be more valuable for a person! It is a great sample for youth. Coming to youth…
We were taking photos. New Azerbaijan’s musical CDs presented to him gladdened him very much. He said that he was fond of our music and kept it in his heart and house at all times. It was time to leave, but our talk continues in the street. It was a nice August night. I say Now the weather is very nice in Baku, same as here, I missed Baku very much". He smiles looking at me. We all say the same wish: "See you in Baku"!
And the end!Talking to Lutfi Zadeh was as if I saw our history in front of my eyes. Guilty history! The history that separated the land and the nation into two parts – the North and the South! The history that had separated for long years families, brothers, sisters and made them live separately, distance from each other, sometimes become even enemies! The guilty history and the enemies that did their best to make our nation lose their identity! The enemies that taught us our false history! I kept thinking to myself: Oh god, how heavy were their guilts consequences for us! And where we made mistakes...
However, evening when there were neither South, nor North, but just brothers and sisters instead, I started looking at future more optimistically that. We were under pressure, we were bent, but no one could break us. We have an independent and strengthening Azerbaijan! We are going to the United States as citizens of an independent country, we can say with pride that we are Azerbaijanis! There is a place of hope and harbour for all azerbaijanis in the world! There is a great strength that can save our people from assimiliation. And this is the independent Azerbaijan – I am gladly speaking to myself. Today our duty is keeping to each other with our brothers and sisters that had been seperated for decades. We have no right to distance from each other thinking “he doesn’t love us so much, he doesn’t feel himself so much azerbaijani, I can not accept them as my people and so on”. Now we need to come closer to each other. Now we need to meet and talk more frequently, we need to rectify the consequences of many years when we lived and grew up separately! At least for Azerbaijan! At least for future of our nation! Now we have to own what belongs to us, rather than distance from them!
I was proud of the brilliant azerbaijani scientist Lutfi Zadeh, and after our meeting the pride of mine got greater. I believe YOURS, TOO! I believe that the great scientist’s words and advices could be very useful for Azerbaijan that considers information technologies as one of its priorities, for its scientific world and all its citizens. So could be his visit to Azerbaijan... The great azerbaijani scientist Lutfi Zadeh’s visit... As an azerbaijani his visits to Azerbaijan could be very important for himself, as well. For all of us, for our nation! When departing we said – See you in Azerbaijan. So, see you in Azeribaijan, oh great and mere azerbaijani Lutfi Zadeh!
Ganira PashayevaMember of Parliament
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