"All that happened between me and Agil Halil on March 13 of 2008 is a result of continuous call phones, messages, as well as aggressive attempts to meet, further growing into insults addressed to me, says the letter of homosexual Sergey Strekalin, spread by his defender Akif Melikov.
The letter says that Sergey Strekalin is against binding the said process with an incident on the territory of Zeytun Baghlary, whose details he knows just from press and to which he bears to relation.
"I would like to avert any attempt to politicize the court process at which I am wrongly speaking as a guilty. Through the time of acquaintance with Agil Halil, I knew nothing about his political views and we had no talks about the politics", reads the letter.
According to it, Strekalin demands to stop the purposeful smear campaign, pursuing purposes, bearing no relationship to the criminal case, which occurred purely on the personal basis.
"Though I have admitted my guilt regarding a part of the criminal case related to slight harm to health, in case of the continuous biased coverage of this case and results of the court hearing, I will insist on the medical expertize due to the psychic state of Agil Halil to define his sexual orientation", says the letter.
According to the letter, he does not use drugs, which was proven by the drug expertise.