UNICEF and Norwegian StatoilHydro signed an agreement on cooperation in the framework of support to Azerbaijani government in its work for reduction of death rates and improvement of protection of mother and children's health in the country.
The project, implemented under support of StatoilHydro, envisions application of the newest international standards and methods of care over the infants to prevent neonatal deaths in four pilot maternity houses.
The pilot maternity houses will serve as a model of a hospital, caring of a child and a mother, which will practice participation of a husband/relations during the birth, minimal use of medicines, ealy breastfeeding, joint staying of a child and a mother, as well as newest recommendations on the reanimation of infants. It is also planned to work out national protocols and management on caring about infants. The medical staff, educated in the framework of the program, will continue trainings throughout the country.
"UNICEF is closely cooperating with large, middle and small business throughout the world, creating alliances for children. We hope that our partnership with Norwegian StatoilHydro in Azerbaijan will promote the welfare of children in the country", said Hana Singer, UNICEF representative in Azerbaijan. "We hope that our project will reduce death rates among children and create an atmosphere of care for mothers and children in the public health and encourage other representatives of private sector for work for children.
"We hope that our cooperation in the framework of the said project with UNICEF and Ministry of health will promote improvement of care for infants in the country. The new methods in the four pilot maternity hospitals will improve protection of health of a mother and a child. We also hope that this project will have a positive influence on the health of many families in the future. We thank UNICEF for the proposal to to take part in the project and are glad to provide initial support for the term of two years", said Christian Hausken, head of StatoilHydro representative in Azerbaijan.
Information about death rates among children differ in the country. However the Demographic health Survey, conducted by the government under support of UNICEF and USAID, is expected to help clarify the said issue.