"There is a serious problem with the return of women, who were taken captives by Armenians, to normal life. Some of them are not accepted even by their families", Esmira Orudjeva, chairman of the public association of assistance to captives and hostages "Hasret yolu", said.
She noted that of 1392 citizens of Azerbaijan, captured by Armenians during the Garabagh war, 342 are women including 289 elderly women and 65 girls.
15 released women went crazy of tortures in the captivity and 40 died upon their return home.
She said there are problems with rehabilitation of the remaining 300 women, as the society does not accept them: "This is more evident in the regions. Mass media representatives do not hold propaganda regarding the real causes of the problem. NGOs are also passive in this issue. Due to the injustice in the society, these women are not able to demand observation of their rights".