"Universities of World Azerbaijanis and Turkic people should be opened instead of educational centers, unwholesome affiliates of foreign high schools operating in Azerbaijan. It is necessary to open the University of World Azerbaijanis to meet the demands of millions of Azerbaijanis and the University of Turkic Peoples for establishment of contacts with Turkic peoples". MP Adil Aliyev said.
According to him, if there is a Slavic University In Baku, there should be the University of Turkic Peoples. He announced that there is a necessity to train specialists in Turkic philology, history, culture and art.
"Today, the rise in the number of affiliates of foreign high schools in Azerbaijan creates concern. Our country accounts for 32 affiliates of foreign high schools, numerous private high schools, secondary schools and colleges. Foreign textbooks are used instead of national ones and foreign professors are mainly teaching in the affiliates.
Affiliates more resemble a market than other educational establishments. They combine attempts of external provocations against our spirituality and craving for getting profits from our society. It seems that our national education is put on auction", Aliyev announced.
"It is necessary to prevent the activity of affiliates and schools, which train specialists not in the national spirit", the deputy noted.